230V~ LED flasher
original article (roumanian language)
In a old paper magazine named ELEKTOR I found a nice schematic
Using Eagle PCB software I designed a version for made this schematic:


3D montage

On net, I found a movie with similar montage, named 110 or 240 Volts blinking LED:
If you put this module in parallel with a incandescent bulb, LED flash when bulb is on (work with led lamp or other lamp):

230V~LED flasher when bulb lamp is ON
If you put this module in parallel with switch at incandescent bulb circuit, LED flash when bulb is off:

230V~LED flashet whem bulb lamp is OFF
I made simple circuit in air:

tested schematic
I put a additional resistor for better intensity of LED:
I change red led wih blue led:
I made a movie named 230V LED flasher
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